
Seagle Law is currently listed in US News – Best LawyersBest Law Firms in America.” Harold  Seagle is listed in Best Lawyers in America, North Carolina Super Lawyers and, in 2012, was inducted into the North Carolina Bar Association’s Legal Practice Hall of Fame.  

Harold has been in practice since 1977, beginning his practice in Wilmington with Rountree and Newton.  Soon after joining the firm, Harold formed a partnership with George Rountree, III under the name of Rountree and Seagle, and remained there until returning home to the North Carolina Mountains in 2001.   Although he has been involved in many cases from coast to coast through the years, Harold has always resided in North Carolina, maintained his North Carolina law license and he has always been very much involved in and dedicated to his North Carolina practice.

Importantly, having always found the general practice of law to be a part of his calling, Harold has continued to make himself available to help in whatever general legal work and public service he is called upon to do.  For this devotion, Harold was inducted into the NC Bar Association’s Legal Practice Hall of Fame in 2012.


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Representative Environmental Law Cases

  • Harold and trial team in California selected by California Lawyer as California Lawyer’s Attorneys of the Year for Environmental Cases for their service as Private Attorneys General for the State of California in securing settlements of groundwater contamination litigation against major oil companies throughout California involving more than 1000 sites and valued at approximately $200 million.
  • MTBE chemical contamination litigation in North Carolina Federal Court (Wilmington) representing more than 250 plaintiffs and, after trial, recovering the largest settlement in North Carolina history at the time of the settlement;
  • Ground water Contamination case involving Diesel fuel, chromium/chromate, chlorinated solvents and toluene representing individual plaintiffs against Trinity American Corporation
  • Numerous cases involved in Oil Rig Deepwater Horizon / BP Oil Spill successfully resolved for individual and corporate Plaintiffs in the Gulf of Mexico with many more cases currently in process.
  • Actively working with several governmental entities in claims against DuPont and Chemours involving water contamination by GenX and other chemicals in the Cape Fear River region

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